Friday, September 6, 2019

The Proofs are IN!

We just received and approved the proof copies for "Zarabeth's World" so now you fans of the physical book can order em.  I must admit, we're really pleased with the way this one turned out.  Proofing is tedious.  You always find some kind of error: misspellings that were missed, odd spacings, overlaps in the graphics. . . I think I can say, though, without hesitation that we've never had so few problems on receiving proofs from the printer.  All just in time for your fall reading. Click HERE to get your copy now.  Wine, sadly, not included.

Just in time for the fall.

Sunday, September 1, 2019


In celebration of Don Elwell's new release: Zarabeth's World, we're putting all his previous novels on sale (ebooks only) for just $.99 cents.  Today's your day to stock up on fall reading!

Click HERE to take advantage!